Langdyke Stories

Langdyke Stories was an Art Pop-Up community engagement project with Langdyke Countryside Trust, with Kathryn as lead artist. During the summer of 2019, Kathryn created new artworks and taught workshops for over 300 people from local community groups in the villages and Peterborough city - strengthening networks and raising awareness of the Trust's work. Using art to share and celebrate the wildlife and landscape, history and heritage of the local area, the project drew communities together creating new networks and strengthening existing ones; people of all ages from villages around Peterborough and the inner city took part.
At the open day at Langdyke's Etton Maxey Nature Reserve, hundreds of miniature artworks made by members of the local community adorned the marquees, while Kathryn’s eco-printed poems fluttered in the breeze.

Later in the summer, Kathryn used sunlight to print ephemeral photographs on to leaves… using leaves from Langdyke’s reserves and photographs of the volunteers, wildlife and landmarks, it is a Herbarium of Stories.

We are grateful to the Peterborough Communities Fund and Athene Communications for their support.